CCAS Seminar 28 October 2021

CCAS Seminar on:

Perception technologies (HW & SW) to enable intelligent behaviors in autonomous robots and vehicles

28 October 2021, 13:30-17:30, DTU Lyngby Campus and online

DTU's Centre for Collaborative Autonomous Systems (CCAS) launches a series of half-day seminars targeting key technologies for the development of autonomous systems across several industrial domains.

The seminars are targeted towards industrial stakeholders which would like to extend their knowledge portfolio in autonomous systems technologies.

The first seminar will focus on perception technologies (HW & SW) to enable intelligent behaviors in autonomous robots and vehicles. The seminar will feature key contributions from established researchers in the area leading large-scale national and European projects, such as Prof. Evangelos Boukas, Prof. Mogens Blanke, and Prof. Lazaros Nalpantidis. Read more here.

Join us at DTU Lyngby Campus on October 28 and learn about the latest advances in the design of perception systems. Participation to the seminar is possible both in person and virtually. If you are interested in participating, then please register at:

The Centre would like to thank Odense Robotics for the financial support, and the research projects ShippingLab, Galirumi and Inspectrone for co-sponsoring the event.

We look forward to welcoming you!
DTU Electrical Engineering, DTU Compute, DTU Space, and DTU Management